//fantasy adventure novel

It’s roughly 140K worded fantasy adventure novel, set in a world of animals with no human characters. A rather unfortunate event sets a gentle but large moon bear into a chaotic world of magic and danger. Her companions - a grumpy but nerdy owl who is afraid of heights and a powerful wizard monkey who lost his wand.
Currently, under development
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//real name
Ilaiya Bharathi
//about me
By day, I'm a UX Engineer, deeply engaged in unraveling complex challenges. As the workday fades, I embrace the wild side of creativity. Delving into game design, app development, 3D art, storytelling, and even music, I eagerly explore any realm that sparks inspiration.
I'm a relentless creator at heart, always building and learning new things in an uncharted territory. This exploration is not just a hobby, but a personal sanctuary of creativity - a chaotic, yet beautifully enriching process of constant learning and building.
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